





  很久很久以前,人世間鬼怪橫行,魑魅魍魎泛濫成災。當時出現了一個最強的役小角,他降服了擁有強大實力的鬼神為自己所用,以鏟除為非作歹的鬼怪。在役小角臨死之際,他將鬼神封印,人世間絕少聽聞鬼神的消息。時間來到了現代,役小角的后代小明(橫山智佐 飾)在命運的驅使下解開封印,可是 高傲的前鬼根本不服從小明的役使,于是這個女孩只得將其變成童子的模樣。與此同時,憑依獸大量出現,而許多可怕的敵人交替登場。人世間再度為難,小明能否繼承祖先的遺志,和前鬼共同擊退各路邪祟呢?  本片根據谷菊秀(原作)、黒巖よしひろ(作畫)創作的漫畫《鬼神童子ZENKI》改編。


  • 2008 電影解說
    簡介:  James Bentley is tried for the murder of Abigail McGinty, the charwoman of Broadhinny who also took in Bentley as her lodger. The evidence is overwhelming, and soon after he is sentenced to hang. Superintendent Spence is not convinced of the man's guilt, and so he visits Poirot, asking him to look into the case. Poirot then heads off to the village, where he becomes the paying guest of Maureen and Major Johnnie Summerhayes. Ariadne Oliver, Poirot's novelist friend, has also come to Broadhinny to collaborate on a stage adaptation of one of her novels with dramatist Robin Upward. With the clue of a bottle of ink purchased by the dead woman shortly before her death, Poirot searches Mrs. McGinty's belongings and finds an edition of The Sunday Comet newspaper, where an article concerning two women connected with famous murders has been cut out. With the story are two photographs of the women. Poirot discovers that Mrs. McGinty had seen one of the photographs before, and knew to whom it belonged to. But which woman was this case connected with? Are any of the people living in Broadhinny related to these women, as one of their children? Or perhaps one of them is one of the actual women? The puzzle pieces begin to fit in, especially after Poirot is shoved into the path of an oncoming train by an unknown entity. But will the murderer strike again?
  • 1995 電影解說
    簡介:  十九世紀中期,意大利正處在奧匈帝國水深火熱的統治中。為了解放祖國,輕騎兵上教安吉羅(奧利維?馬丁內茲 Olivier Martinez 飾)密謀發動暴動推翻殖民統治,然而卻因計劃外漏而不得不流亡法國。因為兒時好友的出賣,安吉羅在法國受到了奧地利間諜的追殺。逃亡中的安吉羅無意闖進了法國的一個瘟疫區,那里哀鴻遍野,人們近乎瘋狂。當地人認為是安吉羅投的毒藥,安吉羅無端又成了追捕的對象。  一天,安吉羅無意中從屋頂掉到了一間閣樓里,偶遇了與丈夫失散了的女子寶林娜(朱麗葉?比諾什 Juliette Binoche 飾)。得知寶林娜現在處境艱難時,安吉羅決心幫助她找回她的丈夫。當他們在疫區穿行時,寶林娜不幸身染疫癥……
  • 2008 電影解說
    簡介:  寶(鄧麗欣 飾)本來與男友俊(黃嘉樂 飾)一起經營甜品店,生意興隆,兩人也感情穩定。可是寶多年不見的舊同學琪琪(曾愷玹 飾),竟搶走了俊,破壞了寶的幸福生活。  另一方面,寶的好友蚊(唐寧 飾)常常對男友風(胡清藍 飾)發脾氣,當風結識了已有男友的敏(楊愛瑾 飾)后,兩人展開了一段“后備戀情”。蚊與風最終分手收場。  后來寶結識了老千阿強(方力申 飾),寶給了強十萬塊要他幫忙報復琪琪。強成功的把琪琪吸引住了,更想通過強騙取俊的甜品店。期間,寶與強也產生了感情。寶相信強的本質不壞,更相信他能改過自身。不料事情還是被琪琪發現了,她愿意出更多的錢買通強,要寶再一次在她面前難堪。  寶縱使被俊拋棄,但當她得知俊被琪琪騙了之后,還是回到他的身邊與他再次開創甜品店。而琪琪也強的精心安排下,同樣被騙了所有的錢,更負債累累。強不再行騙,卻遭到了黑幫報復……
  • 2005 電影解說
    簡介:  遠近聞名的百萬富翁理查德(約翰·卡森 John Carson 飾)去世了,為他的后代們留下了巨額的遺產。雖然所有人都為理查德的死感到傷心和遺憾,但也有一些人在心里偷著樂,尤其是那些經濟上遭遇了危機的親戚們,理查德的遺產無疑是降臨在久旱的大地上的一場及時雨。理查德的妹妹科拉(莫妮卡·杜蘭 Monica Dolan 飾)語出驚人,聲稱自己的哥哥是被謀殺的,第二天,科拉亦死于非命。  蒂莫西(本杰明·惠特羅 Benjamin Whitrow 飾)、喬治(邁克爾·法斯賓德 Michael Fassbender 飾)、莫爾迪(安娜·考爾德-馬歇爾 Anna Calder-Marshall 飾),每個人都有成為兇手的動機,當科拉的管家被人投毒時,大家意識到,殺戮仍在繼續。
  • 1991 電影解說
    簡介:  Lady Chatterton asks for Poirot's assistance when she comes to fear for the safety of her friend, Marguerite Clayton. Specifically, she is convinced that Marguerite's husband Edward Clayton, known for his violent temper, will kill her. Poirot is invited to a party in order to meet Clayton, but he never shows up. The next day, Poirot finds himself being interviewed by Inspector Japp when Edward Clayton's body is found hidden in an elaborate Spanish chest located in the same room as the party the previous evening. When Marguerite's friend Major Rich is arrested for the murder, Poirot correctly deduces the true nature of the crime and the identity of the culprit.
  • 1982 電影解說
    簡介:  阿倫娜·馬歇爾(黛安娜·里格 Diana Rigg 飾)是一個美艷不可方物的女明星,天性放浪的她從不掩飾對其他男性的喜愛,也十分享受被男性追求的感覺,從而徹底忽略了丈夫和養女的感受。帕特里克(尼古拉斯·克萊 Nicholas Clay 飾)是個血氣方剛的英俊小伙,雖然已經有了體弱多病的妻子克里斯汀(簡·伯金 Jane Birkin 飾),但他依然難以抵擋向他暗送秋波的阿倫娜的誘惑。今年,位于萊瑟庫姆灣旁小島上的度假旅館“快樂羅杰”成為了展示罪惡的舞臺,來這里渡假的所有游客,似乎都和阿倫娜有個多多少少的利益糾葛。哪里有罪惡,哪里就有波羅(彼得·烏斯蒂諾夫 Peter Ustinov 飾),這次也不例外,聰明的他將一切矛盾都看在眼底。  阿倫娜死了,這令眾人毫不意外。盡管每個人都有作案的動機,但每個人又都有完美的不在場證明。究竟是誰殺了阿倫娜?其實兇手早早的,便露出了他狐貍尾巴。


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